Fierce, Centered Self-Care

Millie GonzalezMillie Gonzalez says it took her a while to choose “#LiveFiercely: Take Control of Your Life Through Self-Care.” as her winning Ms. Wheelchair New Jersey 2019 platform. Then, while dealing with being laid up in bed with health concerns, she realized, “We can’t do anything we love if we’re dead.”

Here are some of her self-care suggestions:

• Take a break from life, work or volunteering when necessary.
• Focus on improving your health in ways that are under your control — from eating well and drinking more water to sticking to bowel and bladder schedules.
• Develop boundaries in your relationships,
• Face your addictions.
• Prepare for emergencies.
• Remember to write, play sports, dance, take pictures, listen to music — to do that which brings you joy.

Follow her reign at

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