Eat Well, Live Well: Pomegranates

Joanne Smith and Kylie JamesOvaries (Pomegranates) Over Ice

Shortly after our August article made a connection between avocados and testicles by way of the Aztecs, a lawyer (with a good sense of humor) contacted us and proposed that we balance the genital scales of justice. How? By doing a similar article on a female friendly fruit. Well, no objections, counselor. With all things being fair and equal, here it is.

Exhibit A: The Pomegranate

Fruiting plants and humans both have reproductive organs called ovaries. Pomegranates bear a striking anatomical resemblance to an ovary when cut in half, but even more remarkably, they function similarly.

The Evidence

This juicy, ruby red fruit contains a hormone called estrone that is structurally and functionally similar to one found in mammals. In fact, pomegranates contain the highest known source of estrone in the plant kingdom. So what does this have to do with SCI? More than you would think. Following SCI, many people experience hormone imbalances, so the powerful estronic properties of pomegranate can help support your endocrine system. Furthermore, we all know that people with SCI are at high risk of developing osteoporosis, and this risk increases for women with SCI whose estrogen levels start to decline during perimenopause.

Estrogen helps bones absorb calcium. The hormone estrone, which is produced by the ovaries, is the major source of estrogen in women who have gone through menopause. So this amazing fruit can naturally help support estrogen levels and bone health and it does not exhibit carcinogenic potential associated with synthetic or bio-identical estrogens.

As if this good news isn’t enough, let the evidence show that pomegranates have the highest antioxidant value of all fruits. A glass of pomegranate juice has more antioxidants than red wine, green tea, blueberries and cranberries, which means it helps support the cardiovascular system — and cardiovascular disease is more prevalent in people with SCI than ever before due to longer lifespans. Some sources say heart disease is the leading cause of death for people with SCI. Moreover, this multi-seeded tart fruit helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure and inhibits platelet aggregation, all of which contribute to heart disease.

Closing Argument

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, let the evidence stand that the ovary fruit is beneficial to your health — and a delicious way to enjoy them is over ice! We rest our case.

Pomegranates Over Ice

2  cups pure unsweetened pomegranate juice
1  lime (juice of)
½ cup ice
Combine in glass and enjoy!


Joanne Smith and Kylie James are co-authors of the book Eat Well Live Well with SCI and Other Neurological Conditions. For more information on nutrition for neurological injuries, go to

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